Panels & Workshops Archive

Friday April 26, 2024
7:30PM-10:00PM SPACE Pre-party at the Laughing Ogre:
4258 N High St. Columbus, OH 43214.
Saturday April 27,2024
10:00AM Doors Open!
1:00 PM 2023 SPACE Prize Presentations Hosted by Bob Corby.
2:00PM Lies My Teacher Told Me Hosted by Nate Powell
Nate will present his new book “Lies My Teacher Told Me”. His full comics adaptation of the late, great James Loewen's influential history book about history textbooks. It corrects many misconceptions and falsehoods commonly accepted in American history, while outlining how these errors, myths, and lies have found themselves embedded in our historical understanding and education—and a path to fixing what our miseducation has broken, developing critical thinking skills, empathy, and room for contradiction along the way. Guaranteed to be banned in multiple states!
3:00PM Words to Pictures hosted by Warren Reed
Warren will present an overview of the historical and contemporary use of imagery in place of, or in support of words. This will lead into a discussion and demonstration of how the artist/presenter works to portray events in a story while minimizing the amount of text that appears on the finished page. His method is informed by a background in fiction, film and animation. He will explain various considerations and tools from the worlds of cinema and literature, and how he is attempting, with each new work, to extend and even uncover his notion of the territory of graphic novels/comics. Finally, he will examine the so-called 'cutting edge' of words to images, AI generated imagery, in parallel with HI imagery (human intelligence).
4:00PM How to Develop More Productive Comic-Making Habits” hosted by Brian Canini
Over the last decade, I’ve gone from producing one or two comics a year to producing over a dozen comics yearly, along with weekly webcomics, a biannual comics newspaper, and a few graphic novels, for good measure. The talk will go over the many methods I’ve utilized to be productive while balancing work, life, family, and comic-making which has allowed me to maintain my sanity. I’ll go over journaling, waking up at 5am, not letting things become too precious, planning ahead, daily goal setting, changing up tools and page sizes, differing page counts and the reward of a finished product, and taking time away from the drawing desk to let your brain recharge.
6:00PM SPACE Closes for Saturday. Get Out!
7:00PM DISTRACTOR: a comics reading show! Hosted by Drew B Hall
17 E Tulane Rd, Columbus, OH 43202. Comic readings by David Caldwell, Victoria Douglas, Drew B Hall, MS Harkness, Xavier Lavagnino, Lauren McCallister and Max Schaller.
Sunday April 28, 2024
10:00 AM Doors Open!
1:00PM Indy Fest hosted by Ian Shires
Why Indyfest hosted by Ian Shires
Ian will be presenting new tools in the Indyfest website and giving away one free year of WordPress hosting to 4 people - $250 value. Points of interest: Building a true Marketplace (B2B, B2C, and POS) designed and geared towards Indy creators and fans of all types. How and Why to leverage social media together.
2:00PM Comic Fight hosted by Kathrine Starr and Meg Zimmerman:
Make the coolest character you can, then have them face off with another cool character made by someone else in the group! Create a collaborative comic with your opponent detailing how the fight between your two characters plays out. Anything you can imagine, can happen! But fate decides the outcome! (Via rock paper scissors!) Bring your fighting spirit and imagination to COMIC FIGHT!
Cancelled 3:00PM The Writer's Block hosted by Tom Fellrath
One starts with a blank piece of paper and ends up with a story, but that simple task can be accomplished in so many different ways! Using real-world examples from his zines, Tom Fellrath will share tips to apply the nuts and bolts of plotting and conflict to writing comics. He'll also discuss different technical challenges that he's encountered in writing comics - and how he overcame them.
5:00 PM SPACE Closes. See you next year!
Schedule subject to change.

Panels & Workshops
Subject to change
Friday, June 9, 2023.
7:30PM to 10PM SPACE Pre-party at the Laughing Ogre:
4258 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214.
Saturday June 10, 2023
1:00 PM ”2022 SPACE Prize Presentations”. Hosted by Bob Corby.
2:00 PM "Small Press Publishing" Hosted by Alexander Hoffman with Ken Eppstein, Charles Brubaker, and Ryan Claytor.
Ever wanted to ask a comics publisher directly about how the publishing process works for a small press or self-publishing artist? Join Alex Hoffman (Publisher of Fieldmouse Press), Ryan Claytor (Michigan State University Professor and Elephant Eater Comics Artist/Publisher), Ken Eppstein ( Writer, publisher, artist Nix Comics, Grants coordinator at Columbus State Community College, independent comic arts researcher), and Charles Brubaker ("Lauren Ipsum" cartoonist and animator) as they discuss the nuts and bolts of comic book publishing, printing, distribution, and more.
3:00 PM “Comics N Zines in The Classroom/Workshop” Hosted by J.M. Hunter
A discussion from instructors across the learners spectrum on what types of lessons and strategies they use to motivate and help students young and adult to make their own comics and zines.
4:00 PM "Michael Carroll, Mini Comics, Same Initials"
Michael Anthony Carroll shares some of his early comics influences, how he started making comics, why he keeps making mini comics, some of his favorite tips and tricks for working quickly, and how he’s maintained a creative practice for nearly five decades.
7:30 PM to 11:30 PM After-party at Kafe Kerouac hosted by Ken Eppstein
2250 N High St, Columbus, OH 43201
Two rounds of comic readings and a Lynda Barry inspired drawing game.
Sunday June 11, 2023
1:00 PM “How to Develop More Productive Comic-Making Habits” Hosted by Brian Canini
In the last five years, I’ve gone from producing one or two comics a year to producing over a dozen comics yearly, along with weekly webcomics, a biannual comics newspaper, and a few graphic novels, for good measure. The talk will go over the many methods I’ve utilized to be productive while balancing work, life, family, and comic making which has allowed me to maintain my sanity. I’ll go over journaling, waking up at 5am, not letting things become too precious, planning ahead, daily goal setting, changing up tools and page sizes, differing page counts and the reward of a finished product, and taking time away from the drawing desk to let your brain recharge.
2:00 PM "MSU Comics Studies" Hosted by Ryan Claytor
Join Ryan Claytor (MSU professor and coordinator of the MSU Comics Minor) as he outlines the many comics resources available at Michigan State University. An internationally recognized multi-day event, multiple studio courses, triennial host of the Comics Studies Society conference, professional development opportunities for students and the largest public collection of comic books in the world are just a few of the many perks.
3:00 PM “ Columbus Cartoon Coalition - Who We Are”
Join members of the Executive Board of the Columbus Cartoon Coalition (C3) for a discussion featuring topics such as comic creation, building a community in comics, C3’s goals, and more!