Latest Releases

Oh,Comics! #32 “Dreams”
Our annual comics anthology is here! It’s a gigantic 130 pages! 20 plus strips by dreamers, Brian Canini, Keith Newsome, Kel M. Crum, Matt Levin, Michelle West, Teri S. Wood, Carlos Riveria, Goblin Zero, Susan Olcott, Dale Martin, Pam Bliss, Ron Hill, Asukile Gardner, Jonathon Riddle, Wendy Gahris, Brent Bowman, Dara Naraghi, Bianca Alu Marr, Steve Peters, Michael A Carroll, Carl Lucas, Kate E. Lore, J.M. Hunter and Bob Corby. Cover by Ron Hill.
$9.95 Postage paid.

The Ducks Know
The Special Deluxe Color Edition! The top seller at the Columbus Book Festival!
16 pages in full color! Linoleum Cut Printed cover. $2.00 including postage!

Contains NO MSG or AI #2
This is one project that AI can't borrow from. All the creators produced and delivered the work with out the use of the internet. Featuring the work of Michael A. Carroll, Bruce Chislip, Kel Crum, and Bob Corby. 12 page mini. (I exposed the cover to the internet on social media. :) ) May Isaac Asimov help us! $2.00
By pushing the shopping cart button you swear you are not a robot.

Oh,Comics! #31 "Coffee"Oh,Comics!, the annual themed comics anthology is back with 22 stories about our favorite beverage by Keith Newsome, Ken Eppstein, Ron Hill, Kate E Lore, Nik Dirga, J. M. Hunter, Brian Canini, Michael Anthony Carroll, Matt Levin, Bob Corby, Pam Bliss, Kel M. Crum, D. Site, Larned Justin, Jonathon Riddle, Joel Crammer, Steven Myers, J.M. Hunter, Craig Latchaw, Bianca Alu-Marr, Steve Peters, James Windsor-Smith, Lee Thacker, Corey Bechelli, Wendy Gahris, and Susan Olcott. Cover by Keith Newsome104 page!

Oh,Comics! #30 "Cheese"
21 cheesy tales by 19 contributors.
With comics by Dale Martin, Brian Canini, Pam Bliss, Matt Feazell, Brent Bowman, Kel Crum, Joel Cramer, Michael Anthony Carroll, Troy Vevasis, Pacher, Jonathon Riddle,
Sue Olcott, Ben Wright-Heuman, Matt Levin, D. Skite, Steve Peters, Bianca Alu-Marr, Lee Thacker, Corey Bechelli, Carlos Rivera, Craig Latchaw, Steve Myers, J.M. & Logan Hunter, Jennifer Shenberger and Bob Corby.
114 pages $9.95

Oh,Comics! #29 "Hope"
17 hopeful tales by 19 contributors.
With comics by Dale Martin, Shivani & Chandu Tennety, Brian Canini, Pam Bliss, Matt Feazell, Brent Bowman, Kate Iaacs, Kel Crum, Joel Cramer, Michael Anthony Carroll, Troy Vevasis, Denis Pacher,
Ken Eppstein, Sue Olcott, Ben Wright-Heuman, Matt Levin, J.M. Hunter and Bob Corby.
88 pages $8.95

Oh,Comics! #28 "Chaos"
Honestly, when we decided to use the Chaos theme this year we had no idea. 19 chaotic tales by Billy Mckay, Brent Bowman, Bianca Alu-Marr, Steve Peters, Shivani Tennety, Chandu Tennety, Matt Feazell, Jim Mackey, Mike Carroll, J.M. Hunter, Brian Canini, Pam Bliss, Kel Crum, Steve Myers, Drew Scheeler, Matt Levin, Sue Olcott, Carlos Rivera, Joel Cramer, Rick Schlaack, Troy Vevasis, Denis Pacher and Bob Corby. 106 pages $8.95 including postage.

Oh,Comics! #27 "Moon"
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing we bring you 20 stories featuring the Moon!
Featuring the work by Pam Bliss, Billy McKay, Matt Feazell, Matt Levin, Carlos Rivera, Joel Cramer,
Troy Vevasis, Aleksander Jovic, Brent Bowman, Ross Wood Studlar, Flor de Canela, Max Ink,
Michael Carroll, Brian Canini, Kel Crum, J.M. Hunter, Steven Myers, Drew Scheeler, Sue Olcott,
Dale Martin, Canada Keck, Jonathon Riddle and Bob Corby.
A whopping 108 pages! $8.95 including postage.

Oh,Comics! #26 “Money”
The annual small press anthology featuring evil rooted world going round tales by Billy McKay, Matt Feazell, Jim Mackay, Troy Vevasis, Aleksandar Jovic, Sami Marshal, Ray Tomczak, J.M Hunter, Brent Bowman, Steven Myers, Matt Levin, Kel Crum, Pam Bliss, Sue Olcott, John C. Bruening, Michael C Carroll, and Bob Corby with cover by Brent Bowman.
72 pages. $8.95 including postage.

Oh,Comics! #25 “Monsters”
The annual small press anthology featuring monstrous tales by Billy McKay, Troy Vevasis, Aleksandar Jovic, Steven Myers, Matt Levin, Kel Crum, Pam Bliss, Sue Olcott, Dale Martin, Canada Keck, John C. Bruening, Michael C Carroll, Ben Small, John Pirog, Jonathon Riddle and Bob Corby with cover by Billy
90 pages. $6.95 including postage.

OH,Comics! #24 "Machines"
13 mechanically enhanced tales by Sue Olcott, Matt Feazell & Jim Mackey, Kel Crum,
Steven Myers, Kate E. Lore, Michael A. Carroll, Alu-Marr, Steve Peters, Troy Vevasis,
Aleksandar Jovic, Dale Martin, Canada Keck, Pam Bliss, Brent Richardson and Bob Corby.
Cover by Ben Small
74 pages $8.95 including postage

Oh,Comics! #23 “Music”
The 2015 edition featuring comics by Bianca Alu-Marr,
Steve Peters, Craig Bogart, Pam Bliss, Matt Levin, Kate E. Lore, Jared Wenzel,
Erik McAlister, Steven Myers, Michael Anthony Carroll, Kel Crum, Ben Small,
Troy Verasis, Tanmoy Das, Nick Schley and Bob Corby. $8.95 including postage.

Oh,Comics! #22 "Time"
15 time-based strips by Craig Bogart, Tony Goins, Kel Crum, Bianca Alu-Marr, Steve Peters, Matt Feazell, Ben Small, Derek Baxter, Brian Canini, Michael A. Carroll, Pam Bliss, Steven Myers, Dale Martin, Sue Olcott, Matt Levin Brent Bowman and Bob Corby. 84 pages. $8.95 including postage.

Oh,Comics! #21 "Magic"
The 25th anniversary edition featuring
Max Ink, Steve Myers,Canada Keck, Matt Levin,
Jonathon Riddle, Pam Bliss,Kel Crum, Michael Carroll, Sue Olcott and Bob Corby
and a great cover by Pam Bliss.
60 pages $6.95 Postage Included

Oh,Comics! #20 "Air"
The 2012 edition of the annual Small Press Anthology finishing the elements run with "Air". Featuring 14 strips by David Baxter, Pam Bliss, Mike Carroll, Brian Canini, Kel Crum, Robert Gavila, Canada Keck, Sue Lenses, Matt Levin, Steve Myers, Steve Peters, D. Skite and Bob Corby. Cover by Max Ink. 82 pages $6.95.

Oh,Comics! #19 "Fire"
$6.95 including P&H

Plans 03 by Bob Corby
The third issue with a Mr. Rifft story and the second part of Gremlin: Holy War. Great back cover of "The Point" by Keith Newsome. 20 pages

Plans 02
by Bob Corby
More stories of people making plans. 4 more short stories featuring old BPC characters all with plans. The 4 stories are delineated in 3 different mediums. Check the final score.
20 pages for $4.00 including postage.
Digital Download $1.00
Misc. TPBs

Amazing Tales of Entropy
by Bob Corby
A collection of science fiction and fantasy stories by Bob Corby. This collection includes Gremlin,
Fire Fang, Abacus, Mr. Flower Pot, The Devil & Mr. Rifft and many other short stories that appeared
in a number of anthology comics over the years. 182 pages. $8.95 including postage.

by Bob Corby
The Leaves volume collects all six issues of the Bunny Blues / Leaves and many short stories that appeared in Oh,Comics! Leaves is a romantic comedy / road trip comedy chronicling the lives of Mike Blues, a formed private detective, Kit Jones, the women he secretly loves and Marcel, who's only there for comic relief. 190 pages. $8.95 Including postage.

Big Ears and Flat Feet
(Bunny Blues Collection 1988-1995)
by Bob Corby
A collection of Mike Blues Mysteries including "Shell Game" published in Nuance #1 and "The Dead Rabbit" published in the first Bunny Blues limited series plus shorts from Oh,Comics! Find out how Mike became the neurotic mess he is in the present "Leaves" limited series.
104 pages 6"X9" trade paperback

Felicia's Quest
by Bob Corby
2020 Inktober project. The inktober promps were used to create a continuous narrative. 36 pages. $4.00 includig postage.

Robot 1010
by Bob Corby
A 24 Hour Comic. Robots, dragons, cocky birds, a mystery and a silk screened cover! How could you go wrong? 28 pages. $4.00 including postage.

Strongleaf & Daughter
by Bob Corby
2019 daily prompt project. The promps were used to create a continuous narrative. 32 pages with a linocut hand printed cover $4.00 including postage

Contains NO MSG or AI
This is one project that AI can't borrow from. All the creators produced and delivered the work with out the use of the internet. It was cut and pasted together using 80's tech. (exacto, rubber cement and correction tape.) Finally it was hand feed into the copier using paper originals. Featuring the work of Ron Hill, Michael A. Carroll, Matt Feazell, Jim Mackey, Brent Bowman, J.M.Hunter, Kel Crum, Lauren Sparks, Candy Ober and Bob Corby. 16 page mini. (It only took 2 days until the cover was exposed to the internet on social media. :) ) May Isaac Asimov help us! $2.00
By pushing the shopping cart button you swear you are not a robot.

The Point #1
by Bob Corby
A minicomic which was produced by using daily prompts back last October to produce a continuous narrative. Join rooky "super hero", Point, and his side kick, Brock, on their first adventure. 32 page minicomic. $2.00

Why I'm Not Musical
A childhood auto-biographical story which answers the musical question. Original artwork was done in linocut. Color! 20 pages $2.00

Por Que No Soy Musical
Spanish version of WINM.
Color! 20 pages $2.00

A Tribute to Van Gogh's “Starry Night” The painting which appears in the background of this comic is a copy of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” which I painted in high school back in 1973. The cover is a block print of a detail of the painting which was executed in 2005. Color! 16 page mini with hand printed block print cover. $2.00

Las Estrellas
Spanish version of Stars.

Garnet & Ruby
Post-Apocalyptic tale crafted from words suggested by social media friends.
16 interior pages Color!$1.50

Granate & Ruby
Spanish version of Garnet & Ruby $1.50

A 24 hour comic about alternative worlds, bad poetry and packing peanuts.
comes with an apology pre-printed on the cover. 24 interior b&w page mini-comic.

The failed 24 hour comic. The complete story with a block printed cover. Bill is a hard working grad-student. See what happens one evening when he comes home for a surprise visit. Linocut cover. 24 b&w page mini comic. $2.00

Not a Clue?
Calling people out. Done for a zine excange. Single panel gags and (holy crap) Poetry? Parental guidance suggested. Horrible ink linocut cover. Only 8 freakin' pages! $1.50

A collection of 5 Un-offical Minicomics Day minicomics. Mostly Easily Drawn Character League stories because hey they\\\\'re easy to draw. 40 b&w pages. Linocut cover comes in yellow or orange. $2.50